'Kevlar' paintwork

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NOTE: the price is refered only to the paintwork (the cost of lexan body is additional).



Orders for painted bodies are temporarily suspended due to overbooking.

Top Level paintwork Mod. 'Kevlar'

Beware of imitations, choose only the best, order a signed ORIGINAL Bittydesign® body shell. 

Average waiting time for the realization and delivery of this paintwork after your order: 45-50 days

Painted Lexan wing

Painted* Zefirus lexan wing with the same graphic of the body shell.

* The wings of the picture above are just an example; the painted wing will be delivered to you with exactly the graphic and colors of the body that you ordered.

Painted Mud-guards

Mud-guards painted* with the same graphic of the body shell.

* The body and Mud-guards of the picture above are just an example; the painted Mud-guards will be delivered to you with exactly the graphic and colors of the body that you ordered.

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                    <strong data-to="15">0</strong> <label>Years of Business</label>

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                    <strong data-to="20000">0</strong> <label>Painted bodies</label>

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                    <strong data-append="+" data-to="30">0</strong> <label>Countries reached</label>

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            <div class="col-md-8">
                <video autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="muted" preload="metadata" src="/images/uploaded/Painted-Bodies/VID_20210208_105149.mp4" style="width:100%"></video>

            <div class="col-md-4">
                <h2><img alt="" src="/images/uploaded/360.gif" style="height: 40px;" /><strong>Enjoy the view!</strong></h2>

                <p class="lead"><strong>We want to make sure you can look the &#39;KEVLAR&#39; graphic&nbsp;in all his beauty</strong>, what better way to do it than with a 360&deg; view.</p>

                <p><span class="text-primary"><strong>Only the body shell, she is the protagonist</strong>: no stickers, no chassis, in the video you can perfectly see the paintwork&nbsp;without any other distraction. <strong>Do you like it, is it your favorite? Order it now!</strong></span></p>